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Pike Fishing Rules - Monks Rest


1) It is illegal under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act to bring fish from any other water to use as live-bait, all live-baits must be caught from the water you are fishing on for pike and must not exceed 8” (20cm) in length.


2) Monofilament lines for pike fishing must be no less than 15lbs breaking strain. Braided lines may be used ONLY WHEN LURE FISHING/SPINNING FOR PIKE and must be no less than 20lbs BS,

3) An up trace should be used when live baiting this should be no less than 6 inches longer than the hooked trace (snap tackle) to avoid bite offs by pike.

4) Minimum length of trace for lure fishing (spinning) 12 inches (300 mm). We recommend that snap tackle trace for live/ dead baiting should be 16 inches (400 mm)

5) The use of high quality shop brought traces /swivels /clips /hooks /braid is recommended.

6) All treble hooks must be barbless or semi barbed (crushed barbed) this will allow for easier unhooking and less damage to the pike.

7) Handle all pike caught with care, an unhooking glove is recommended, never use a pike gag.

8) When unhooking use the forceps and hand technique. Lay the pike on its back slip your gloved hand through the gill cover fig B (avoiding the gill rakes these are razor sharp!) Firmly hold the lower jaw, the mouth can be opened very easily, use long nosed pliers or forceps to remove the hooks fig A and C



9) When returning a pike to the water never hold it up by the chin always support the body of the pike with your other arm. Once in the water let the pike recover fully by holding it until it swims off, this allows its swim bladder and oxygen levels to stabilize.

10) The use of unhooking mats are compulsory, landing nets must be assembled and have at least 36” arms.

11) The use of fixed leads is prohibited.

12) Strike early, do not wait for the pike to swallow the bait as this will result in a deep hooked pike, if the hooks are difficult to remove use strong cutters to cut away hooks and remove the trace, remember a deep hooked pike will soon become a dead pike if the snap tackle is not removed! If however you cannot see the hooks DO NOT cut the trace. Leave this attached and release the pike. When the pike is re- caught a more experienced angler may be able to remove the snap tackle. The safety and well-being of our fish is of the utmost importance and there is no shame in asking for assistance.


Fishing for pike is limited to the following times:
Lure fishing/Spinning is allowed all year round.
Deadbait/Livebait fishing is only allowed during the traditional pike season 1st October to 31st March inclusive.





Tel: 07515427562

Tel: 07947318183

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